Monday, February 11, 2013

Thursday Night is Game Night

Settlers of Catan

Damn I lost again last week.  I pick the perfect locations based on the terrain and numbers, knowing that the most probable numbers will be rolled and I can have the advantage.  Of course being in the right place is only half the equation.  I once again was cut off from the resources needed and floundered as the dice never rolled an 8 (OK twice).  Aggravating. 

But not all was lost, I did bring snacks, bread cheese, wine, and cookies as I was  trying to appease the game gods.  I was able to consume most of a bottle of wine and the cheese and the bread before the game had ended.  Lots of fun. 

Akis (my Greek office mate) and I have vowed to team up in the next game against Florian (Austrian) and Thorston (German) in the next game. 

I will only bring a half bottle of wine, because they drink beer.  Maybe then I will be able to WIN.

1 comment:

  1. hey, brother. I just received the link to your blog from dad. I am having such a great time reading it. congratulations on making it this far. I know it must be really hard without Robyn. you haven't talked a lot about your research...I trust it is going well? keep the updates coming. I am keeping you and Robyn in my prayers.
