Monday, January 28, 2013

Lyon, France - day 1 of 134.

Lyon, France - day 1 of 134 days in Lyon.  I made it in about 7:00 last night.  All my luggage also made it.  I had brought a rolling duffel bag for this trip.  I was able pack it to capacity of 50 lbs, attach the other bag of 40 lbs, and finally put my carry on around the handle.  It still wheeled easily.  After a short walk and 2 escalators, the tram from the airport into Lyon was sitting there waiting for me.  They headed out as soon as I was on board.  It takes you directly to the train station in Lyon where I would usually catch the Metro down near my apartment.  But I was tired and did not want to lug the 100 lbs around the subway, so I splurged and took a taxi.  The driver did not speak english, but with my bad french, his bad english, he figured out where I was going.  Evidently there is another street with the same name as the one I live on.  I remembered enough of the names around the area for him to understand which one.   I used the phrase I picked up from the first Bourne movie, "c'est ici" to have the taxi stop right outside the entrance to the apartments.

I have a nice room on the 6th floor (7th floor american) with a view over the top the adjacent building to the west to see the buildings on the hills above the river.  More about the room later.  I do have a refrigerator, so I  headed over to the little market down the street to get some food.  I got there about 8:31 and the store closed at 8:30.  I wandered about looking at all the menus of the restaurants in the area.  Some a pricey, 25 € for a meal and will be out of my price range.  I need to live on 15-20 € per day.  That will be difficult here in Lyon.  Wandered about until I saw a street vendor selling some kind of meat cooked with onions served in a thick whole wheat pita.  5€ for a large portion.  They added some spicy mayonnaise inside the pita.  Added a bottle of water and enjoyed my first meal in Lyon, walking though the rain back to my apartment.

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