Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I am a long haired scientist

It has been a couple months since I last got a haircut.  I randomly picked a salon from a dozen in the immediate area. It is a small shop with four or five chairs.  They are friendly and I have enough French to ask for a cut, and understand the time of my appointment.

My appointment was for 6:00 and I arrived outside a couple minutes early.  Mistake. It is a French 6:00 which means about 6:30.  Oh well, I read a magazine while I waited.

I should have brought something to read because all the magazines were in French.  How could I possibly find out the 10 best ways to keep a man or the 4 best ways to know if he loves you?

It seems that hair cutting is the same here.  I get my hair washed, then they ask me how much to cut.  I point to the back and show the top of my collar.  I hope that gets the point across. But, I won't know until it is done.

The cut is finished, a bit of blow drying and voila, I am a new man. And, of course it goes without saying, I look much younger, more handsome, and much more intelligent.

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